Being the hope-ful romantic that I am, I love love in every aspect. Whether it’s in a novel or a movie or even witnessing a stranger’s proposal forever marking a special day in their lives, there’s something so timeless about romance. Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate, whether with a partner or myself, so I decided to assemble a list of some of my favorite solo date activities so you don’t have to.
These 10 solo date ideas are meant to allow you a moment to slow down and spend quality time with yourself. I will mention that this list isn’t exclusively for my single ladies; these can also be done with a partner for your next date night! So here are a few of my solo date adventures that I think you might enjoy, and I even included a few of my favorite things to go along with each. Perhaps gift ideas for you to treat yourself? I’ll let you decide.
1: Candle Making

I discovered candle making through a class last year and and was absolutely obsessed! I’ve also noticed it is becoming increasingly popular. Activities where I can create something to carry with me are some of my favorite activities. With candle making you get the opportunity to make something so uniquely you – a candle tailored specifically for you. Now, very rarely will I turn down a good Sand + Fog candle, but there’s nothing like having full creative control of something that at each use reminds you of the time and effort you put into it.
2: Make Homemade Pizza

I blame the year 2020 for my deep exploration of two things: whipped coffee and homemade pizza (thank you TikTok). Years later, though I’ve retired from the whipped coffee, I still find the options of pizza are endless whenever I’m spending the night in and want to make dinner not so typical. I’ll even pull out my favorite Amazon chef apron and pizza stone to get really fancy. Maple bacon pizza, pesto, white pizza, a ghost-shaped pizza around Halloween – you name it. You can go as fancy or as simple as you like. And the process is always as good as the end result.
3: Sign up for a Cooking Class

If the last thing you want to do is clean up a mess after trying your hand at cooking a new dish, then this one is perfect for you. Cooking classes are one of my favorite solo date activities, mostly because it has everything I love, learning a new dish, meeting new people, and most importantly no mess to fuss about once the evening is over. The classes are immersive, and if you plan ahead, you typically have plenty of options to choose from. A couple of my favorite classes have been baking croissants and making ravioli from scratch. So, check out what classes are offered near you!
4: Shopping

I think this solo date activity needs little explanation. It’s as simple as it sounds. Take yourself shopping. For that pair of leggings, or that cute sweater you adored but promised you’d be back for, it could even be that special edition book you’ve been eyeing for a while. Buy those things. Make this your opportunity to put yourself first and buy that thing you may not need, but that you want. Celebrate you and the love inside that’s carried you this far. You deserve it.
5: Have a Themed re-watch of your Favorite Show or Movie

If you’re anything like me whenever September rolls around – Olivia Pope and Associates always seem to magically appear on my tv. It could be the nostalgia of TGIT (if you know you know), or just a comfortable familiarity of two of my favorite things Fall and Scandal. I’ll grab the iconic red wine + popcorn combo and just enjoy. Whatever show or even movie that you love to come back to rewatch, get creative with dinner, snacks, and even themed cocktails that you can pair with your watchathon. One of my top 5 binge essentials is my weighted blanket that I found on Amazon.
6: Putting Together a Flower Bouquet

No matter the season, flowers never go out of style. What’s better than buying yourself an arrangement of flowers? Make your own! This is another activity you can fully immerse yourself in making something completely unique and special to you. You can go bold, elegant, or even all one solid color. The best part – dropping them in one of your favorite vases; mine is this gorgeous glass vase from Amazon. being able to admire your handiwork and smell its freshness for days to come. My favorite place to shop for flowers is Trader Joe’s. They always have a wide selection for reasonable prices, and if this is your first go of it or aren’t feeling too confident, they have associates there to help you!
7: Go to a Museum or Art Gallery

This activity is a nice one because these venues are open to the public and rarely charge for admission. So, if you’re looking for something free this date idea is for you! I appreciate all things art whether it’s dance, interior design, or painting and sculptures so visits to my local art museum are always fun for me. It’s a great self-paced activity that you can easily get lost in. I’m always awe-struck by how much individuality and history I come across whenever I visit places like this.
8: At Home Spa Day

At-home spa days can be as grand or as simple as you want to make it. So naturally the options with this date idea are endless. You could even pair this with a few other ideas mentioned earlier such as candle-making and your favorite show rewatch. Or you can simply unplug, relax, and recharge. On your own time, however you like. Another pandemic hobby I picked up is doing my manicures at home, so this is something I love making an evening out of.
9: Try Something New (Pilates Class, Pottery, Photography)

There’s a certain level of excitement I find in learning something new. No matter how well I do the first time I love challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone and showing myself that I can do hard things. I recently joined a run club in my area, and by the end my performance mattered very little to me compared to the feeling of getting up at 7 am on a Saturday morning, showing up to an event where I knew no one, and having this privilege to do this amazing thing. So, whatever that new thing may be for you – go for it!
10: Journaling/Goal Setting

One of the things I love most about solo dates or just taking time to be alone is the intentionality of carving out time for myself when I’m so used to dashing off to do the next thing. With journaling specifically, I find I’m able to sit still and just let myself be present in that moment feeling whatever feelings I feel. I love journaling because most times I start out wondering what I will even write about today… and then proceed to fill up three pages 45 minutes later. And that’s okay. Because it just shows me that all I need is a space to be. I notice that’s also when I’m most motivated and ideas and goals start flowing. Whether about my career, self-development, or hobbies. So, use this time to invest in you. You can even start planning your next solo date.
- If you love these solo date ideas and want to prioritize yourself beyond just one day check out my fun printable self-care calendar on Etsy!